The IVF Treatment is The Best Option for Infertility Affected People

The couples, who are not able to conceive due to the problem of infertility, is really disheartening and discouraging. Many times, I have seen couples who are not able to thrive to get pregnant and deliver a baby naturally, got frustrated and try out many things except IVF treatment in Delhi. For all such, couples, there a message that IVF treatment is one of the effective and conducive treatments for various infertility issues.  It has yield comprehensive results and relief to infertility affected people, not only in India, but around the world. It has counted for millions of test tube around the world, since the first test tube baby born in 1978.

What is IVF treatment?
Not too many people try to understand what IVF treatment is all about. Well here is your chance. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is widely popular in the world now for its significant contribution to conceive and deliver a baby for those who are not able to conceive otherwise. There can be a number of reasons why a woman is not able to get pregnant naturally; however, the IVF has more often than not able to produce the breakthrough to such women. Since the treatment of IVF has delivered several positive results, it is considered as the most trusted and popular infertility treatment.

IVF procedure

In the IVF procedure, the process of fertilization occurs outside the body. It comprehensively bypasses the process of sperm penetrating the egg on its way to uterus. In this process, the women is administered the hormone injections to instigate the ovulation and get more eggs for the IVF procedure. The eggs are extracted surgically when its reach to a matured stage. At the same time, the sperm sample is also taken from the men. Then, the egg and the sperm are placed together in a cultured dish called “In Vitro” for the process of fertilization under the laboratory environment and the supervision of IVF expert. Once the embryo is developed as a result of fertilization, it is transferred into the uterus through insemination process. One or maximum of two embryos are transferred at a time. When the embryo successfully gets implant in the womb, pregnancy occurs.

Do I get pregnant in the first attempt?

Not necessarily, but the possibility cannot be completed discarded. Normally, it is recommended to go for at least three IVF cycles to get results in your favor. There are women who get the breakthrough in 4th or 5th attempt as well. So patience is the key during the IVF treatment in Delhi.

Who can consider this treatment?

Ideally, anybody who is not able to conceive on their own can attempt to conceive using IVF treatment procedure. It is no more an alienated treatment method. It is already an established as well as tried and tested method with proven results and excellent track record. You can choose IVF treatment if you have the following issues:

  • Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
  • Endometriosis problem
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Unexplained infertility problem
  • Same sex couple
  • Irregular menstrual problem
  • Male dominated infertility factor, etc.

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